Parc de Découverte Aéronautique
L'Epopée de l'Industrie et de l'Aéronautique
Albert, France
June 2011, June 2019
This is collection of a considerable number of interesting aircraft which has been gathered together by industrialist Marc Betrancourt, the family business was the first manufacturer of hydraulic actuating cylinders in the area from the fifties.

In 2011 it appeared that entrance to the museum can be by appointment (see official website above) to guarantee that it is opened up for you. My visit on a Sunday morning at 10:00 am was not by appointment but after parking the car by the museum gate a man appeared from a guard post across the road and asked for ten euro, on paying this he opened the gate and I was free to roam around. The nearest building remained locked and peering through the windows I could see a Nord 1101 Noralpha.
In 2019 the museum officially opens every Saturday, you may need to double check this by visiting their website. Entrance was five euro.

The aircraft are displayed or stored in very cramped conditions and photography is challenging in the hangars. In 2011 as far as I could tell very little appeared to have changed in the previous two years or so apart from a Fouga CM.170 Magister (459) which has been painted in 'Patrouille de France' colours and an Morane-Saulnier MS.733 Alcyon (F-BKOY c/n 44) which has left the site. In 2019 and eight years on from my first visit very little has changed, perhaps one tree has been chopped down, but all the aircraft have stayed in place. There was even more clutter around them I think.
Aircraft museum
Nord N2501F Noratlas (97 '63-WB') showing signs of its former squadron code.
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Nord N2501F Noratlas (184 '328-EO' and 97 '63-WB').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Nord N2501F Noratlas (54 '63-WX' and 97 '63-WB').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Nord N2501F Noratlas (54 '63-WX' and 97 '63-WB').
Aircraft museum
Nord N2501F Noratlas (184 '328-EO').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Nord N2501F Noratlas (189 '36-FN') named 'Viombois'.
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Dassault MD312 Flamant (275 '316-KC') and Dassault MD311 Flamant (318 '319-DE' ex F-WZXA).
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Dassault Mirage 3E (449) and Dassault MD.450 Ouragan (8)
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Dassault Mirage 3E (515), Mirage F.1C (20 '12-ZN') and Mirage 3C (27 '3.10-LE').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Dassault Super Mystere B2 (113 '12-YQ') and Dassault Mirage 3RD (358 '128-TG').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: North American F-100D Super Sabre (42272 '11-EF') and Sud Aviation H-34A Choctaw (SA59 '68-DK' and '59-DK').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Lockheed T-33A (35339 'XC') and Lockheed T-33AN (21255 '314-VH').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Morane-Saulnier MS.733 Alcyon (F-BMQI c/n 116 and F-BLXT 'QA') and Sud Aviation Alouette II (1070 '67-JL').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Max Holste MH1521M Broussards (198 and F-GIFZ ex 315) and Nord N1203 Norecrin II (F-BBET c/n 334).
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Nord NC.856A Norvigie (108 F-SDYS ex ALAT and later AdlA in 1963 with GAALEA 312 at Salon with Nord 3400 No.20) and Nord NC.856A Norvigie (26 believed to be F-YCZH when with the Aeronavale).
Models NC.840/841 and NC.850 to NC.860 were produced between 1946 and 1951 by Societe Nationale des Constructions Aeronautiques du Centre (SNCAC) and later du Nord (SNCAN). Trading as Aerocentre the design and the initial production was done by SNCAC at Bourges until 1949 when the NC.853 and NC.859 were produced SNCAN.
Nord N3400 (100 'FIA').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Nord NC.856A Norvigie (26 believed to be F-YCZH when with the Aeronavale).
Nord N3400 (100 'FIA').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: de Havilland Vampire FB.52 (IB427) and Hawker Hunter F.58A (J-4107).
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Fouga CM.170 Magisters (24 '3-KB' and 459) with Douglas C-47B Dakota (F-GEOA 2108979 'K-282') named 'Eight ball II'.
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Republic F-84F Thunderstreak (FU-76 '11-RQ'), Dassault Mirage 4P (25 'AX') and Sud-Ouest SO-1221S Djinn (FR144 'C').
Aircraft museum Aircraft museum Aircraft museum
Left to right: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21SPS (882), Fiat G-91R/3 (30+93) and Lockheed F-104G Starfighter (21+96) with a Mignet HM.14 Pou du Ciel in the foreground.