27th Antwerp Stampe Fly In
May 12, 2018
A brief photo-report
For many years, I can't say for the last 26 though, I have considered attending the Stampe Fly-in. It is held at Antwerp International Airport (Deurne) which is where the Stampe and Vertongen museum is situated. Having been to many de Havilland Moth Club meetings in the UK, mostly held at Woburn Abbey country park, I presumed and hoped this would be a similar type event. I was sadly mistaken, Antwerp is a regional airport and even though many Stampe-Vertongen SV.4s arrived during the day the surroundings were not condusive to photographing a vintage aircraft in a timeless environment, as modern builings and tarmac surrounded the very restricted area the spectators were confined to. Even worse a grass runway hundreads of yards away was frequently used by these wonderful aircraft and well beyond the range of any lens. The Stampe fly in 'effect' was also tainted by numbers of warbird type aircraft that attended to provide some sort of a display in the afternoon which really amounted to the only entertainment for the hundreds of spectators. I did my best in the very long day to get the best possible images. |
Three of the former Belgian Air Force Stampe-Vertongen SV.4s getting ready to leave at the end of the day |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4Bs (V42 registered OO-WIL, V4 registered OO-EIR, V49 registered OO-SVA and V66 registered OO-GWA). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4Bs (V23 registered OO-ESV, V4 registered OO-EIR, V49 registered OO-SVA and V66 registered OO-GWA). |
Stampe-Vertongen SV.4B (V66 registered OO-GWA). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4Bs (V66 registered OO-GWA and V21 registered OO-SVG). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4B (V66 registered OO-GWA, V5 registered OO-PAX and OO-BPL). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4B/Cs (V58 registered D-EBVV, 02 registered D-MQUC and OO-GWC). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4Cs (No.349 registered OO-SPM and No.245 registered D-EEDW). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4Cs (OO-AFJ c/n 197, 02 registered D-MQUC, 43 registered OO-SVB). |
Left to right: Stampe-Vertongen SV.4Cs (OO-MMD, G-AIYG, OO-SVT and a Stampe line-up). |
Display aircraft and visitors
North American T-28B Trojan (55-138354 'TL-354' registered N1328B). |
Left to right: North American T-28B Trojans (55-138354 'TL-354' registered N1328B and 137777 'KV-863' registered NX377WW). |
Left to right: North American T-6G Texan (H210 registered N4109C). |
Left to right: Pilatus P2-05 (A-126 registered OO-PII previously HB-RAZ). |
Left to right: SIAI-Marchetti SF.260MB (ST-35, ST-22, ST-34 and ST-06) Belgian Air Force. |
Left to right: Fouga CM.170R Magister (MT5 c/n 262 registered N216DM) previously with Belgian Air Force. North American P-51D-25-NA Mustang (44-72922 registered OO-RYL) named 'Scat VII'. |
Left to right: Piper L-18C Super Cub (OL-L47 registered OO-SPG), Spitfire XVI (SL721 'AU-J' registered OO-XVI) |