Low Flying Area 4 (Gebied Laag Vliegen-GLV4 Edese Heide)
The Netherlands
Photographic Logs for 2022
The first drop by two AS.532U2 Cougar (S-444 and S-454) with 300 Squadron Royal Netherlands Air Force (Koninklijke Luchtmacht) based at Gilze-Rijen. |
Tuesday February 8, 2022 Day 2 and I went to GLV-4 Edese Heide for the afternoon's Slingery Exercise. After a very long hike across heathland I eventually arrived at the exercise area as the ground support unit was marking out the helicopter approach lines. A pair of AS.532U2 Cougar and CH-47F Chinook based at Gilze-Rijen were to carry equipment as underslung loads to this exercise area. The Cougar performed two drops each and the Chinook three drops each from Deelen.
Left to right: AS.532U2 Cougar (S-444 and S-454) with 300 Squadron Royal Netherlands Air Force (Koninklijke Luchtmacht) based at Gilze-Rijen. |
Left to right: AS.532U2 Cougar (S-444) with 300 Squadron Royal Netherlands Air Force. |
Left to right: The second drop from Deelen by the two AS.532U2 Cougar (S-444 and S-454) with 300 Squadron. |
Left to right: AS.532U2 Cougar (S-444 and S-454) with 300 Squadron. |
The two AS.532 Cougar are now being joined by two CH-47F Chinook for the third drop. |
Left to right: The two AS.532 Cougar are now being joined by two CH-47F Chinooks (D-483 and D-602) for the third drop. |
Left to right: The AS.532 Cougar working alongside the two CH-47F Chinooks. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinooks (D-483 and D-602) complete the third drop. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinook (D-483) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinooks (D-602 and D-483) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinooks (D-602 and D-483) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinooks (D-602 and D-483) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: AS.532U2 Cougar (S-444) with 300 Squadron. |
Left to right: AS.532U2 Cougar (S-454) with 300 Squadron. |
Left to right: AS.532U2 Cougar (S-454) with 300 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinook (D-602) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinook (D-602) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinook (D-483) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinook (D-483) with 298 Squadron. |
Left to right: CH-47F Chinook (D-483) with 298 Squadron. |