Military Photography in Bulgaria (continued)
Plovdiv - Krumovo Air Force Base
Open Storage Area
June 2009 April 2010
Some of the Mil Mi-17s in the storage area. |
Left to right: Mi-17 Hips (410, 412 and 413 x2). |
Left to right: Mi-17 Hips (416). |
Left to right: Mi-17PP 'Hip-H EW' (431) it is one of four (431 to 434) delivered from 1984 and used in the electronic jamming role. |
Left to right: Mi-17PP Hip (434). |
Left to right: Mi-17 (420) former VIP flight. |
Mi-24s in open storage awaiting a decision to upgrade some of them. |
Left to right: Mi-24Ds (125, 127 x2 and 128). |
Left to right: Mi-24Ds (129 x2 and 131 with 128 behind it. |
Left to right: Mi-24Ds (132 and 133 x3). |
Left to right: Mi-24Ds (134 x2 and 136). |
Left to right: Mi-24D (137). |
Left to right: Mi-24V's (141, 135 with 141). |
Left to right: Mi-24V's (144 and 146). |