In Action
15(Reserve) Squadron - RAF Lossiemouth
Disbanded March 31, 2017
Tornado (GR.4) Operational Conversion Unit (TOCU).
Around 36 graduate pilots from 4 Flying Training School at RAF Valley and Weapon Systems Operators (WSO's) a year are transferred to the Tornado (GR.4) Operational Conversion Unit (TOCU) with 15(Reserve) Squadron at RAF Lossiemouth. Following ground school and time on the Tornado simulator, students start their 50 sorties and further simulator instruction. The student pilot for their first six sorties will fly with an instructor pilot. The student WSO's will get four sorties to complete their conversion to the Tornado. The WSO will then fly the first of three missions with an instructor navigator, before the first all student crew sortie. This is followed by a Terrain Referenced Navigation/Terrain Following Radar (TRN/TFR) sortie with an instructor navigator.
The next phase of four sorties involves student pilots and student WSO's formation flying, including tactical formations at low and medium level, both in the lead and wingman positions. Two dedicated sorties involve a student crew meeting up with an aerial refuelling tanker and repeatedly linking with the basket.
The fifth phase brings student crews in contact with the delivery of a basic range of weapons in a variety of flying profiles. A check mission by an instructor completes the phase.
A two sortie operational manoeuvring or air combat training is next, using AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles at medium level during one versus one exercises. Defensive manoeuvres and the dispensing of chaff and flares are included. These sorties for the student pilots and WSO's are flown with instructor pilots and lead to handling surface to air missile threats both at medium and at low-level. The first of these sorties are flown as singletons, followed by five sorties as a pair. These sorties lead to students being issued a target for which they have to decide the attack profile and tactics to be employed.
The next phase involves night flying including the use of night-vision goggles (NVG), they will progress from flying as a singleton, a pair, a three and finally as a four-ship. Passing the final check-ride completes the course and the successful students pass on to the front-line squadrons qualified to Limited Combat-Ready (LCR) status, before they are fully trained on the full range of weapons carried by the GR.4. |
Tornado GR.4 (ZD810 '102') it has 'Spirit of Speyside' nose art and was in XV Squadron markings in October 2008. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4 (ZA410 '016') in the Lakes during February 2013. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4 (ZA459 'F') Flying through the Lakes in August 2012 with mission marks it is in the colours of 15 Squadron and still inscribed 'XV 1915 to 2005'. It was carrying an AN/AAQ-28 Litening III Targeting pod. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4 (ZA587 '55') in March 2011. |
Tornado GR.4 (ZA459 'F') 'MacRoberts Reply' in the old 90th Anniversary special marks 'XV' '1915-2005' in March 2012. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4 (ZD810 '102') it has 'Spirit of Speyside' nose art and was captured at low-level in Wales in October 2008. |
Tornado GR.4 (ZA459 'F') 'MacRoberts Reply' in 90th Anniversary special marks 'XV' '1915-2005' in October 2005. |
Tornado GR.4s (ZA459 'F') in special marks with ZA557 'TJ' and ZD720 'TA' at low-level in the Lakes in October 2005. Tornado GR.4 (ZA604 'TY') over North Sea in April 2007. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4 (ZD812 '104') of leads out two other Tornados in January 2008. |
Left to right: Six images of Tornado GR.4 (ZD895 'TI') in stunning action during the RIAT air show at Fairford in July 2005. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4 (ZD895 'TI'). |
Left to right: Two images of Tornado GR.4 (ZD843 'TG') at Fairford in July 2004.
Tornado GR.4 (ZA469 'TM') operating from nearby Cambridge airport for the weekend, flying fast and low in poor conditions at Duxford in May 2005. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.4A (ZA459 'F') inscribed '1915-2005 XV' at RIAT 2010.
Tornado GR.4 (ZA842 '105') departing St.Dizier air show in June 2011.
Tornado GR.4 (ZA587 '55') in mid-Wales in March 2011, not really an air show. |
Left to right: Tornado GR.1 (ZA608 'TK' and ZA559 'F') with 15(R) Squadron arriving at Woodford air show in June 1994. |