The de Havilland Moth Club
29th International Moth Club Rally
Woburn Abbey
August 16, 2014 |
This windy weekend was to torment Moth pilots from around the UK and Europe, as many were forced to abandon their plans to fly to Woburn for the 29th International Moth Club Rally. Saturday did in fact have a very reasonable turn out, perhaps more than half those intending to come actually made it in.
However most of those on Saturday scampered home that evening to avoid the worst of the weather forecast for the Sunday. There were a few that made it in Sunday morning, one Chipmunk pilot I spoke to on Sunday flew in from Birmingham on the Saturday but chose to drive back on the Sunday not wishing to make the challenging cross-wind landing.
If all the aircraft that had intended to come had made it the attendance would have been a record for the rally. The organisers could not have done more.
As this year is the 80th Anniversary of the first flight of the DH.87B Hornet Moth to commemorate the milestone, the eleven Hornet Moths attending were invited to taxing from the temporary Woburn air strip along the park roads and front drive to the front lawn of Woburn Abbey itself, the resulting images can be seen here. The eleven Hornet Moths assembled were the largest at a Woburn Moth Rally and one short of those registered in the UK. A scaffolding gantry had been constructed two days earlier to provide a different elevated view. |
The pilot of DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-ALIW) fighting the gusting cross-winds on the Saturday. |
Left to right: DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-ALIW) fighting the gusting cross winds. |
Left to right: DH.60 Moths (G-AAJT and G-AAHI) and DH.84 Dragon (G-ECAN). |
DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-AIXJ). |
Left to right: The DH.87B Hornet Moths (G-AHBM, G-ADMT and G-AESE) start to arrive, with eight more to come. |
DH.85 Leopard Moth (G-AIYS). |
Left to right: DH.83 Fox Moth (G-ACEJ) and DH.80A Puss Moth (G-AAZP). |
Left to right: DH.82A Tiger Moths (G-ANLD, G-AOBX, G-ALWW and G-ANFM). |
Left to right: DH.82A Tiger Moths (G-AIDS, G-AMHF, G-AOJK and G-AGHY). |
Left to right: DH.82A Tiger Moths (G-AHPZ, G-AHAN and G-AZZZ). |
Left to right: DH.82A Tiger Moths(G-AIXJ, LN-BDM / 145, PG712 registered PH-CSL and N8233). |
Left to right: DH.82A Tiger Moths (DE992 registered G-AXXV, T6953 registered G-ANNI, K2567 registered G-MOTH and DE623 registered G-ANFI). |
DH.87B Hornet Moth (G-AESE). |
Left to right: de Havilland DHC-1 Chipmunk 22/T.10s (WB726 registered G-AOSK, WB711 registered G-APPM, WD286 registered G-BBND and WB654 registered G-BXGO). |
Left to right: DHC-1 Chipmunk 22/T.10s (WG465 registered G-BCEY, WD331 registered G-BXDH and WP788 registered G-BCHL and G-BBMZ). |
Left to right: Cessna 140 (N3651V), Miles M.38 Messenger 4B (G-AKVZ) and Stampe-Vertongen SV.4 (G-SVIV). |
Left to right: Focke-Wulf Fw 44 Stieglitz (D-ENAY 'NV+KG' and D-EXWO 'SZ+12'). |