The de Havilland Moth Club
25th International Moth Club Rally
Woburn Abbey
August 19-21, 2005
Woburn Abbey hosted the de Havilland Moth Club's annual International Moth Club Rally for one extra day this year as it was the Club's 25th Anniversary and they wanted to put on something a little bit special this year. Also, coinciding with this anniversary was the fact that the DH.60 Moth first flew 80 years ago this year.
The Moth Club's Secretary and Editor of 'The Moth' magazine Stuart McKay MBE launched his excellent book on the DH.60 Moth at the show. Stuart should also be congratulated for his much appreciated work in organising once again this very special annual event.
Saturday's show started with the many de Havilland (and a few other vintage types) arriving from 10:00 a.m. onwards. Air experience flying made way to the landing competition at 12:00. There was more flying including round 2 of the aerobatics competition in the afternoon. Sunday however, brought the better weather and some additional arrivals. The Alan S. Butler Memorial Flypast consisting of a 'Diamond Nine' formation of Tiger Moths flew in the morning. The flying display proper started at 13:30. Various formations included a DH.60 Moth trio and a Dragon Rapide three ship also. Flour bombing and aerial limbo were just some of the 'Moth Club' style events as part of the show. |
de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver AL.1 (XP820) of the Army Air Corps Historic Flight. |
Guest display's included a very unusual visitor, a Vickers Vimy replica of the famous World War One bomber, which dwarfed the other aircraft present. Despite flying the Atlantic recently it was not permitted to fly a display as such, due to CAA regulations. The Vimy was here as part of the commemoration of Alcock and Brown's transatlantic flight in 1919, which took 13.5 hours originally. This time it took 18 hours to complete the crossing when flown by Mark Rebholz and Steve Fossett, before landing at Clifden, County Galway in Ireland on July 3. |
Early morning and the Tiger Moths lined up are still tied down following their overnight stay, these included Swedish visitor DH.82A Tiger Moth (6550 / SE-AMG). |
The DH.60 Moth first flew 80 years ago this year, the several examples attending included; DH.60X G-EBXU and US built Moth Corporation DH.60GM G-AADR. |
More octogenarians; DH.60 Moth G-EBLV, DH.60G Moth G-AAHI and DH.60M Moth G-AAWO. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide 6s (G-AGTM and G-AIDL) and DH.84 Dragon (G-ECAN) arriving early Sunday morning. |
Some of the less common de Havilland types; DH.80A Puss Moth (G-AAZP), DH.87B Hornet Moth (G-ADUR), DH.83 Fox Moth (G-ACEJ) and DH.85 Leopard Moth (G-ACUS). |
Getting in close is easy at Woburn; DH.85 Leopard Moth (G-ACUS), DH.83C Fox Moth (G-AOJH), DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-AGEG) and DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-AIXJ). |
de Havilland Moths look so good when the light is reflected from the surfaces as you can see in these images taken from four different locations around the small Woburn grass landing strip. DH.83 Fox Moth (G-ACEJ), DH.82 Tiger Moth's (G-AOEI, G-APAM and R5136 registered G-APAP). |
Ex military aircraft included DHC-1 Chipmunk 22 (WP971 / G-ATHD), ex Australian Air Force DH-82A Tiger Moth (A17-48 / G-BPHR) and DH.82A Tiger Moth R5136 / G-APAP). |
Just a couple of the overseas visitors; Wim Stapel in American registered (N8233) and Dutch based DH.82A Tiger Moth, (N6740 / D-ETHC) with DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-AOBX). |
Early morning arrivals; DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-AHOO), DH.87B Hornet Moth (G-ADKC) and DH.82A Tiger Moth (G-AJVE). |
Each year you can expect some interesting non de Havilland types. This year these guest types took part in their very 'sporty' display on Sunday; Miles M.14A Hawk Trainer 3 (N3788), BA Eagle 2 (G-AFAX) and Miles M.2L Hawk Speed Six (G-ADGP). |