Hellenic Air Force - Elliniki Polemiki Aeroporia
Tanágra Air Force Base
September 2010
The Dassault Mirage 2000s of 114 Combat Wing (Pteriga Machis - PM)
Designed as a multi-role single engine jet fighter, the Dassault Mirage 2000 first took to the air on March 10, 1978. The single-seat Mirage 2000C (Chasseur or Fighter) variant designed for air defence entered service in November 1982 with the French Air Force (Armée de l'Air - AdA), it become fully operational in 1984. The two-seat Mirage 2000B conversion trainer followed, it first flight was made on October 11, 1980.

The Mirage 2000N (Nuclear) variant followed, flying for the first time on February 3, 1983. It was designed as a two-seat nuclear strike variant for all weather, low altitude at very high speed, it became operational in 1988. It was followed by a conventional two-seat version, the Mirage 2000D, designed for automated bombing using conventional and laser guided munitions, the first production example first flew on March 31, 1993 and entered service in April 1995.

An improved version of the Mirage 2000C was developed, known as the Mirage 2000-5 the prototype’s initial flight was made on April 27, 1991. The Mirage 2000-5 incorporated advanced avionics, new multiple target air-to-ground and air-to-air firing procedures using the RDY (Radar Doppler Multi-target) radar with new sensor and control systems. The AdA decided to upgrade 37 of its 2000C’s to the 2000-5F standard they became operational in 2000.

A total of 601 Mirage 2000’s were eventually built, including; 124 Mirage 2000C, 30 Mirage 2000B, 75 Mirage 2000N and 86 Mirage 2000D were supplied to the AdA the remainder were produced for export. The production line was finally closed in 2007 when the final aircraft was delivered to Greece in November of that year.

331 'Thiseas' All Weather Squadron (Mira Pantos Kerou - MPK)
331 MPK (blue and white checkered fin tip).
Aviation Photography Tanágra
Mirage 2000B-5 (505)
Aviation Photography Tanágra Aviation Photography Tanágra In March 1985 the Hellenic Air Force ordered 36 Mirage 2000EG single-seat and four Mirage 2000BG two-seat training aircraft which were based on the Mirage 2000C/D aircraft. In 2000 15 new Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2’s were ordered and ten of their Mirage 2000EG’s and five of its Mirage 2000BG’s were upgraded to Mirage 2000-5/B Mk.2 standard in Greece by Hellenic Aerospace Industry.

The new Mirage 2000EG/BG aircraft were delivered to 331 Squadron at Tanágra (114 Combat Wing), the first of which arrived on April 18, 1988. On November 1, 1989 332 Squadron received its first aircraft. The HAF aircraft were supplied with the Matra Magic-II (dogfight) air to air missile. In 1996 the aircraft were upgraded for the Matra Super S-530D (interception) air to air missile and the Integrated Conflict Management System (ICMS) for enhanced self protection. In 1999 the Aerospatiale AM-39 Exocet missile was added to the aircraft’s capability for Air to Sea missions.
In March 2007 331 Squadron started its conversion from the Mirage 2000EG/BG to the new Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 and its five two-seat Mirage 2000-5B Mk.2 training aircraft.

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Left to right: Mirage 2000B-5 (505).
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Left to right: Mirage 2000B-5 (507).
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New build Mirage 2000-5 (555) it was the last ever Mirage 2000 delivered in November 2007.
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Left to right: Mirage 2000-5 (555).
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Left to right: Mirage 2000-5 (553).
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Left to right: Mirage 2000B-5 (507 and 508) and Mirage 2000-5 (550).
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An upgraded Mirage 2000EG to 2000-5 standard (534) on Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) duty
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Left to right: Mirage 2000B-5 (506), Mirage 2000-5 (527 and 530) and Mirage 2000-5 (545) on Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) duty.

332 'Geraki' All Weather Squadron (Mira Pantos Kerou - MPK)
332 MPK (black and white checkered fin tip).
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Aviation Photography Tanágra
Two-seat Mirage 2000BG (202)
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Left to right: Mirage 2000EGs (216, 237 and 221) and Mirage 2000BG (201).
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Mirage 2000EG (220)
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Left to right: Mirage 2000EGs (216, 231, 215 and 215) 
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Mirage 2000BG (202)
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Left to right: Mirage 2000BG (204)
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Left to right: Mirage 2000BG (204)
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Left to right: Mirage 2000BG (204)
Aviation Photography Tanágra
Mirage 2000BG (204)